+45 6340 4060

KM Telecom Danmark A/S

Navervej 12
DK-7000 Fredericia


Get in touch

Interested? In most cases, the people you probably should talk to are

How we think

KM Telecom doesn’t think in terms of spec lists, “bits of equipment” and individual boxes of electronics.

We reckon it’s much more effective to think in terms of complete systems and entire networks, and whether they’re able to consistently, reliably provide the capabilities they were designed to deliver – and the services our customers have contracted to provide.

We keep the path from good ideas to real, revenue-boosting benefits simple – and the process as short as possible. We prefer to talk to you on your terms, and to make sure you’re on board all the way.

“No nonsense, promises kept, pride in a job well done”

In most cases, the people you probably should talk to – as a start, at least – are