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+45 6340 4060

KM Telecom Danmark A/S

Navervej 12
DK-7000 Fredericia

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Designing and deploying the digital infrastructure needed for future business

Our society is zooming into an accelerating spiral of digitalisation, connectivity and automation. Our shared infrastructure has to be able to provide these capabilities – seamlessly, flexibly and securely.

We provide the infrastructure backbones that get digital information to where it’s intended, as required, and make everything digital actually happen. We take the practical installation and commissioning risks and worries off your hands, so you and your teams can concentrate on your core business and prime concerns.

We make sure you’re able to quickly, cost-effectively deploy the hardware and software crucial for day-to-day digital dexterity – on spec, on schedule and on cost.

We also make sure your digitally dependent critical infrastructure is reliable and robust. And that it can cope with demand fluctuations, unexpected traffic peaks, power outages, cyber-attacks and other events.

And we deal with anything and everything unexpected along the way, to make sure you and your organisation – and your users or customers – are 100% satisfied.

The services we provide include

“We deliver what you need – so you can do what you want”

Distributed antenna systems

Distributed antenna systems give you high-quality reception inside buildings and other structures where there are lots of users as well as difficulties with good signal reception.

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Network services

Digital networks are only as strong as their weakest link. KM Telecom provides a uniquely broad spectrum of specialist network services from a single supplier of reliable, well-integrated capabilities.

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Private networks

Reliable, high-quality wireless signals are often a prerequisite for almost everything an organisation does. Why be at the mercy of telecom providers over which you have no control?

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How we
help you

Basically, we’re here to enable you to provide better digitally based services and do better business.

We provide the digital communication infrastructure you need to deploy and benefit from your organisation’s digital opportunities. Now and in the future.

We’re the acknowledged experts in turning digital opportunities into practical capabilities, by making sure the right information flows get to where they’re needed – reliably and securely, and whenever and however your digital ambitions require.

We enable you to

Digital operating, monitoring and coordination enable you to carry out many forms of modern engineering, facilities management, security, control and communication faster and more effectively. Digital capabilities are also at the heart of key systems that include heating, cooling, air conditioning, ventilation, humidity control and energy management.

The fast-growing spectrum of digital capabilities – including automated systems, robotic capabilities and Industry 4.0-style setups – is often almost completely dependent on digital information flows. We provide forward-thinking digital infrastructure configurations and capabilities that enable you to

Make your digital operations work securely, cost-effectively, reliably and flexibly, as well as being capable of coping with demand fluctuations

Achieve faster, more effective deployment of the digital connectivity essential for your organisation to fulfil its contracts, deliver the agreed QoS profiles, and make sure end-users get full satisfaction

Make sure digital communication equipment, installations and procedures comply with all appropriate technical standards, legislative frameworks and data security protocols – current and future

Make sure the many different functionalities you want to implement can be smoothly and dependably deployed and integrated, as and when needed

Use the same experienced, flexible deployment teams to provide additional specialist wireless connectivity capabilities as and when you and your customers may need them


Well-designed, effectively implemented digital backbones to structure and communicate the necessary data can also help you towards


Innovative business opportunities and new revenue streams

New kinds of revenue-generating and loyalty-building services

Breakthrough ways to integrate separate technical capabilities and data flows that enable your organisation to achieve more, at lower cost and with greater user satisfaction.

Your payoffs

How you benefit

We keep you free from the hassle, uncertainty and risk in the nitty-gritty implementation work that underpins your organisation’s plans for the digital transition, and for increasing numbers of specific digitally driven capabilities and services.

We sort out all the practical details of effective, forward-thinking digital infrastructure needed to give you the capabilities you want – so you don’t have to.

Faster, more effective benefits from the rapidly evolving spectrum of digital capabilities, AI and automation

Cost-effective, well-integrated digital infrastructure needed to provide these capabilities reliably, cost-effectively and securely

Big single-supplier benefits that prevent duplication, incompatibilities and mistakes

Easier to make sure you and your teams are able to comply with any in-house deployment plans, budgets and performance targets

Easier to make sure you can comply with your customers’ schedules, budgets and network performance specs

Equipment and services more reliable after installation – which reduces costs for fault-finding, repair and maintenance

Easy integration of DAS connectivity, private networks and other digital infrastructure capabilities, etc. for better signal coverage and quality – indoors and out

Best possible basis for new digitally based services and revenue, using devices distributed across networks via edge computing, IoT, remote working, etc.

In most cases, the people you probably should talk to – as a start, at least – are